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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Ever since childhood, I’ve always loved flying.  After receiving a pilot’s license, it was always a thrill to get into the air and see the world from above.  It gave me particular joy to see the stop-n-go traffic on the freeways below and not be stuck in that quagmire.  Many times the wonders of God’s beautiful creation seen from the air would transfix my thoughts, pulling them away from the stresses of work and life.  One of these times I will always remember. 

I was flying a Cessna 172 out to the Oregon coast to pick up some friends.  After transitioning over SeaTac airport, I ran into a little weather and had to redirect around it.  I lost almost 15 minutes and started to get a little “disappointed” about the delay.  It got in the way of “my schedule.”  Back on course, I flew westward toward the ocean.   At the coast, another large cloud formation loomed in my path.  Again, I diverted my plans and flew northwest, when by now, I should have been turning due south.  Now I was almost 45 minutes behind schedule and worrying that my friends would be concerned.  Needless to say, I was a little more than “disappointed.” “grumpy” may be a better word.  The sun was getting lower in the west as I passed Long Island along the Washington coast.  Coming up to the mouth of the Columbia River, I glanced to the east.  Much to my surprise, in the middle of the raincloud that had gotten in my way, was a beautiful, bigger and brighter than life, full circle rainbow.  I had never seen anything like it before!  It was huge and full of vibrant colors.  That cloud, the one that stood in the middle of my path and blocked my plans, was the very thing God used to remind me of His promises.  It was a gift to me from my heavenly Father, reminding me of His love and protection.  The full circle rainbow reinforced in my heart how His love never ends and never fails.

How often we mistake the things that block our plans as being negative when God really wants to use them for a blessing! Walking by what we see and not by faith, in the flesh and not in the Spirit, we miss out on many lessons and blessings that God has prepared for us.  I wasn’t resting in God’s goodness or His plans for my peace and welfare (Jeremiah 29:11) when I made my way around those clouds. Rather, I took my eyes off Him and onto what I was experiencing, trying to “conquer” my problems in my own strength by working my way, step by step, around those cumulus clouds.  My thoughts were stressed with my blocked goals, at the same time missing one of the things that I thoroughly enjoyed, flying.  It was a good lesson for me to take life with a little more grace, to enjoy each step even when it seems to be taking the wrong path.  I want to learn to take each day, including the trials and roadblocks, and walk through it with a grateful heart knowing God is close at hand and somehow, someway, somewhere He will work it for His glory and my good. 

How is your perspective?  When the dark clouds of life and tribulations get in the way of your best plans, are you able to trust God is still there?  My “cloud” was a small irritation compared to the trials many are going through.  Many have gone years without seeing “a rainbow”.  The truth applies in both the small decisions and the large trials, what perspective do we choose to tell ourselves?  Are we setting our faith and trust in Him who is our keeper, or do we allow our trials to dictate our response and undermine our faith?  We will all struggle at times, that is not the problem.  Where do we put our trust? “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” (Prov. 3:6)

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