Book Recommendations
There are three books and one article we recommend to you before your counseling sessions begin. We trust they will be an encouragement to you as you select the ones that best address your needs. We have many other recommended resources as well. Please feel free to request a list of them if you would like.

* Love and Respect – Emerson Eggerichs
This book is based on the truths presented in Eph. 5 that a wife has one driving need – to feel loved. And a husband has one driving need – to feel respected. When these needs are met there is joy in the relationship, when either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy. This book reveals why spouses react negatively to each other and how they can deal with such conflict.

* Bondage Breaker – Neil Anderson
Learn how to break negative thought patterns, control irrational feelings, and break out of habitual, sinful behavior. And also learn of the position of the believer, the vulnerability of the believer, and specific steps that can be taken to experience the freedom Christ has already provided. God has given to the believer the right to be free from the power of Satan by affirming their identity in Christ.

* 31 Days of Praise – Ruth & Warren Myers
31 devotionals help you to cultivate the “heart habit” of praise and worship. You will be inspired to appreciate and adore the Lord in all things, even in the midst of difficulties. This book will help to develop a deeper intimacy with God and greater love for Him.

* Brokenness, the Heart God Revives – Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Do you long for a fresh and continuing influence of God in your life? Are you ready to do what it takes to meet with God? What is true brokenness? How does it relate to spiritual revival in your life? This article presents how to draw near to the heart of God and experience the daily presence of our loving Father through true brokenness. (Ps 34:18)

* Understanding the Wounded Heart – Dr. Marcus Warner
The purpose of this book is to introduce a simple model for understanding the wounded heart and offer some practical, transferable tools for experiencing God’s healing and transformation. It explains four tools for helping people experience healing; taking thoughts captive, forgiveness, listening prayer, and building joy.