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Healthy EQ

Reading Time: 4 minutes

With summer here, it’s that time of year again when we focus on health.  Everyone over 30 knows the drill, eat less bad stuff, eat more good stuff and exercise more frequently.  It takes self-discipline to follow through on what we know we need to do to be “healthy”, physically that is.  But what does it mean to be emotionally healthy?   

Sometimes being emotionally healthy is more challenging than being physically healthy, even more difficult than cycling an ultra-marathon (typically over 120 miles).  It takes work, dedication and nobody else can do the job for us.  We can be encouraged by others, but we are all ultimately responsible for our own “workouts”.  

Pr. Pete Scazzero does a great job describing emotional health in “The Emotionally Healthy Church”.  Here are a few of his ideas on what it means to be emotionally healthy, what I would call a high EQ (Emotional Quotient): 

· An emotionally healthy person can respect and love others without having to change them or become critical and judgmental. 

· They don’t expect anyone to be perfect in meeting their own relational needs, whether it is their spouse, parents, friends, boss, or pastor. 

· They love and appreciate people for who they are as whole individuals, the good and the bad, and not for what they can give me or how they behave. 

· They take responsibility for their own thoughts, feelings, goals, and actions. 

· When under stress, they don’t fall into a victim mentality or blame game. 

· They can state their own beliefs and values to those who disagree with them – without becoming adversarial. 

· They are able to accurately self-assess their limits, strengths, and weaknesses and freely discuss them with others. 

· Deeply in tune with their own emotions and feelings, they can move into the emotional worlds of others, meeting them at the place of their feelings, needs, and concerns. 

· They are deeply convinced that they are absolutely loved by Christ, that they have nothing to prove. 

How is your EQ?  If you find yourself struggling or coming up short with any of the above, don’t be discouraged, you are among the majority.  We all (including me) wrestle with this but we are not stuck.  A healthy EQ starts with asking God for help.  Like a good coach He knows we can do so much more than we think we can.  He urges us to walk in a healthy place in all circumstances and He will teach us, train us and encourage us in the process.  This costs us though. 

We have to get rid of the emotional garbage in our lives that hold us back.  He wants us to release to Him all the pain of the past, the unfair ways we were treated, even our rights for justice to be served on those who hurt us (forgiveness).  If we are willing to place our emotional troubles into His more capable hands and release the whole package, we then step into an emotionally healthy lifestyle.  An added benefit of pursuing emotional and spiritual health is it makes getting and staying physically healthy easier, and vice-versa.  Kind of like eating less bad food and increasing the good food for the soul. 

When Jesus said He came so we might have life and have it abundantly, it is from the inside out.  A healthy EQ opens the door for more of His abundance.  Let’s do it for heaven’s sake. 

In Him,

Bob Hardin

Director – NWBCC


· My husband realized that he’s someone different than the person he works so hard to show the world.  Realizing this allowed him to let go of the behaviors and attitudes he’d been clinging to, thus allowing us to pursue a healthy relationship.  

· We have gone through the most difficult time of our lives thus far.  God has done a miracle in healing and restoration – clearing out bondage so that we can truly be set free and focus on building the kingdom of God.  This all needed to happen to set us free and take us to the next level in Him and our marriage.  Thanks a million! 

· It was good to be able to express my sadness and know that God has something in store for me and my family through our traumatic family story.   God showed me He is always in charge, and uses all situations for good.


· Bob’s Broken Leg:  For those who haven’t heard the update, Bob is doing great these days.  The damage to the knee was described as a “Stellar Fracture of the Tibial Plateau”.  We were blessed that the deformation of the plateau was minimal and surgery was not required.  After a couple months with a leg brace and no weight bearing with crutches, he was able to start walking again.  After a couple weeks he was then able to put the cane away and start strengthening the muscles.  Since March Bob has been able to put in over 1050 miles and 29,000 ft  in climbing.  He now has approximately 98% flexibility back.  He wants to give a big thank you for all who have been praying for him.  God is good!

Prayer Needs

· Pray with us for God’s anointing and amazing power to touch the depth of the hearts and lives for those coming in for help.   We need His wisdom for each person. 

· Continue to pray with us for God’s protection, His ministry here and also for all those we interface with, both locally and across the nation through phone and digital media.   

· Pray for authorities over us, cities, state and country.  We need leaders who hunger and thirst for righteousness with wisdom to make hard decisions according to Biblical principles (especially if they are non-believers).

· Pray for financial provision and resourcefulness during this time, as giving is low.  

“Some people don’t believe in heroes, but they haven’t met my dad.”


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