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Reading Time: 3 minutes

And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope. . . ” Romans 5:3-4 

Definition:  Perseverance – Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving results/success.

One of the most difficult things we all have to do is to persevere, to hold onto the hope of things getting better when in the midst of difficulties.  Perseverance nudges us one step further as we process through struggles and even failures, and yet not lose hope.  As Christians we have a hope beyond just our circumstances improving, we have a hope that our trials will not be wasted.  Our trials have purpose and God will use them for our good.  This doesn’t make the struggle go away but allows us to grow deeper in trusting God right in the middle of our hard times. 

A few years back I decided to return to school and finish an engineering degree.  It was a difficult decision after working and earning a livable income for a number of years.  As enjoyable as the academic challenges and learning were, school became extremely difficult with its mix of academic and relational demands.  Turning up the gain on my stresses, the Lord gave us our first child during this time.  We loved him dearly, but having a baby added to our daily routine and subtracted from our nightly rest. 

At times it seemed hopeless to stay the course.  It would have been much easier to quit school and go back to work.  Between low financial resources, medical and housing expenses, fatigue, class work and other responsibilities, I couldn’t see an end or what the future could hold.  One thing that kept me steadfast, after weeks of praying, was knowing that God had directed me to finish my engineering degree.  I didn’t know how it was going to happen.  The finances didn’t add up, the timing seemed to be wrong, and the voice in the back of my head kept telling me I would fail and should quit.  But if I quit, it would be failure.  I was caught between a rock and a hard place!  Being the control freak that I am, it seemed things were totally out of my control.  God was gently helping me relax my death-grip on trying to control my life and future.

In hind sight, I am so grateful the Lord walked with me through that time.  He was teaching me the value of perseverance.  Those sacrifices opened many doors for us.  Because of going through those years of struggle, I have so much more hope and joy in life when things get difficult.  I don’t have to know how things are going to work out, though at times I still may try.  I can trust the LORD! 

Persevering through trials is never easy.  It is character building.  It forces us to do the difficult things we would rarely volunteer to do on our own initiative.  Just like a good coach who will push his players beyond their own limitations, our Lord will push us beyond what we know we can do to increase our capacity.  It has taught me how powerful the steady, daily application of trusting God in whatever He calls us to do, can accomplish far more than we can foresee. 

Let me encourage you, if you are in the midst of a trial, you can trust that God isn’t surprised by it and He has plans to use the worst of it for your ultimate good and for His glory.  For this I am so very grateful. 

Bob Hardin

Director – NWBCC

TESTIMONY from a wife

· The Lord showed me that He does desire to change me, but does not take pleasure/joy in breaking me; that He is intimate with me during change.  And He doesn’t withhold His intimacy till after I’ve changed.

Prayer Needs

· For office space that meet our needs, and the needs of our counselees

·       Good access

·       Affordable

·       Pleasant

·       Within 10 miles of the Fairwood area, so Bob can continue to commute by bike.

· A safe, timely, and efficient move

· That financial needs will be met

· That we walk closely with the Lord, clearly hearing His voice.

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”     

Helen Keller
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